
Do I need to go to a GP for physio?

You can see a physio first for neck pain

You do not need to go to a GP to see a physio. Are you experiencing pain, discomfort, or a sports injury that's impacting your daily life? Are you looking to improve your physical function or prevent injuries? If so, you might be wondering whether you should see your GP before seeking physiotherapy.

While in some cases, seeing a GP before seeking physiotherapy may be necessary, seeking physiotherapy first can provide numerous benefits. In this blog post, we will discuss why seeing a physio first may be the best option for you.

Seeing a physio first

Seeing a physiotherapist first can save you time and money by providing direct access to expert musculoskeletal care without the need for a referral from a GP. Physiotherapists are trained to assess and diagnose a range of musculoskeletal conditions, such as back pain, sports injuries, arthritis, and neurological conditions. They can provide personalised treatment plans that are tailored to your individual needs and goals, including manual therapy, exercise therapy, and injury prevention strategies. Doctors will often send you to a physio first if you have an injury without direct intervention from themselves as they know physios are best placed to help.

Benefits of Physio

Physiotherapy can often be a more effective and less invasive option than medication or surgery. Physiotherapy can help alleviate pain, improve mobility, and prevent further injuries, which can lead to a better quality of life and overall health outcomes. By seeking physiotherapy first, you can potentially avoid unnecessary medications or surgeries, which can have potential risks and side effects.

A physio can provide the following:

  1. Assessment and diagnosis: Physiotherapists will assess and diagnose your condition, provide you with a clear explanation of your diagnosis, and create a personalised treatment plan.
  2. Manual therapy: Physiotherapists offer a range of manual therapy techniques such as massage, joint mobilisaiton, and manipulation to help alleviate pain and improve physical function.
  3. Exercise therapy: Physiotherapists prescribe exercise therapy programs that are tailored to your individual needs and goals, including rehabilitation programs and injury prevention strategies.
  4. Injury prevention: Physios provide advice and education on injury prevention strategies to help you stay healthy and active.
  5. Telehealth: Physios offer telehealth services, which allow you to access our services from the comfort of your own home, saving you time and money.

Seeking physiotherapy first can provide numerous benefits, including direct access to expert care, potentially avoiding unnecessary medications or surgeries, and improving your overall health outcomes.

When to see a doctor first

Many people wonder if they need to see a GP (general practitioner or family doctor) before seeking physiotherapy treatment. There are some occasions that this should happen such as:

  1. Underlying medical conditions: If you have an underlying medical condition such as diabetes, heart disease, or cancer, it is essential to see your GP to see if your pain might be being caused by this
  2. Prescription medication: If you are taking prescription medication, it is important to inform your GP and physiotherapist. Some medications can affect your physical function, and your GP may need to adjust your medication accordingly.
  3. Referral for funding: In some cases, you may need a referral from your GP to access funding for physiotherapy. This is particularly true for people who are eligible for government-funded healthcare programs such as enhanced primary care plans (EPC).
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